About memberships and partnerships

Open AR Cloud (OARC) offers memberships for individuals and partnerships for organizations / companies.


Annual fees

  • Professional - 120 USD / year or 12 USD / month

  • Student / part time worker / other - 60 USD / year or 6 USD / month

* Founding Members gets 1st year free and 50% rebate on the fee the 2nd year.

Benefits for members

  • Opportunity to participate in Working Groups and be candidates for official seats in Working Group Councils.

  • Access to the member Slack, Trello, Github, shared document folders and similar

  • Events organized by OARC has a 25% member discount

  • Pre-release access to white papers, research papers, case studies from working groups + institutional partners

  • Promotion opportunity: newsletter, member spotlight

  • Possible access to closed beta products/API

  • AWE discounts, showcase opportunities and more

* Founding Members gets 1st year free and 50% rebate on the fee the 2nd year.


Annual fees

When number of employees are Or when gross annual revenue exceeds Commercial - fee Academic / Non-profit / Gov - fee
0 - 10 0 200 USD 100 USD
10 - 50 2 million USD 500 USD 300 USD
50 - 500 10 million USD 1,500 USD 1,000 USD
500 - 5,000 100 million USD 3,000 USD 2,000 USD
5,000 - 25,000 1 billion USD 5,000 USD 3,000 USD
25,000 or greater 5 billion USD 10,000 USD 7,000 USD

* Founding Partners gets 1st year free and 50% rebate on the fee the 2nd year.

Benefits for partners

  • Opportunity for select representatives to participate in Working Groups and be candidates for official seats in Working Group Councils. For each particular Working Group Councils there can be at most one seat held by a Partner organization.

  • Select representative of the partner get access to the member Slack, Trello, Github, shared document folders and similar.

  • Representatives of the partner who contributes to working groups get a 25% partner discount on events organized by OARC

  • Pre-release access to white papers, research papers, case studies from working groups + institutional partners

  • Promotion opportunity: newsletter, member spotlight

  • Possible access to closed beta products/API

  • AWE discounts, showcase opportunities and more

* Founding Members gets 1st year free and 50% rebate on the fee the 2nd year.